Over 30,000 car accidents resulted in fatalities in the United States in 2018. You are not alone if you are in a car accident, even if it might change your life. At no extra charge, Counsel Hound will put you in touch with the appropriate legal counsel. Get in touch with us for a free Car Wreck and Lawyer and case review if you were hurt in one. In order to relieve victims of the strain of handling the legal system and free them up to concentrate on their healing while seeking fair compensation, our car accident attorney provides advice and assistance. Their knowledge guarantees that persons impacted by auto accidents get the assistance they require during trying times.

Different Kinds of Car Accidents

There are several different types of auto accidents, some of which are as follows:

Road Rage: When a motorist exhibits "road rage," they use their car as a weapon. These drivers frequently face severe criminal penalties.

High Speed Crashes: According to recent statistics, speeding was a contributing factor in 30% of all fatal vehicle accidents in the United States; however, this figure is probably conservative.

Texting and Driving: Texting and driving is prohibited in the majority of states. Drivers who disobey these restrictions risk large fines, although those expenses are insignificant when compared to the consequences of serious auto accidents.

• Drunk Driving Accidents: Over the last several decades, public awareness initiatives have contributed to a drop in the frequency of alcohol-related collisions, but these incidents are still a major national issue.

Overturn Incident: These are frequently very serious collisions, and there may occasionally be contributing factors such as a car flaw or bad road conditions. You will need an expert attorney to establish that there was a flaw in your car or on the road, street, or highway that caused a rollover collision.



1. First investigation: If at all feasible, document the situation with pictures and record the names and phone numbers of any witnesses. Always dial 911 in case of an accident, no matter how little. For your instance, the police report can provide important details.

2. Medical Care for Injuries: Getting medical care is a crucial first step in building a case. In order for your doctor to prescribe the appropriate course of action for your injuries, be truthful with them regarding their severity. Never stop taking the medication that your doctor has given, because your insurance company may interpret this as proof that you have recovered. Keep track of all of your doctor visits so that your medical expenses can be included in the settlement or award.

3. File a Claim with the Insurance Company: Report the accident to your vehicle insurance provider. In order to pay you back for losses, your insurance company needs to execute the appropriate actions. Refrain from responding to any requests for a statement or compensation from the at-fault driver's insurance company until you have spoken with Counsel Hound. Your best interests are our first priority, and you could be qualified for more than what the insurance provider of the at-fault motorist first offers.

4. Counsel Hound Consultation: Complete our online form to speak with a Car Accident Lawyer, and we'll arrange a consultation to go over your options. We have relationships with car wreck attorneys all around the country, and Counsel Hound will provide you with a free referral to the most qualified one for your situation.

5. Settlement Demand: We will start the settlement procedure to get the most money possible for your losses when your medical care has been completed. This procedure could entail discussions with the insurance provider.

6. Settlement or Lawsuit: Following a final agreement with the insurance provider, you will choose whether to proceed with a settlement or bring legal action. In order to get you the money you are due, your Counsel Hound Car Accident Lawyer will counsel you on the advantages of settling or pursuing a lawsuit.

7. Trial: Should you choose to reject a settlement offer, we will support you during the mediation, trial, and discovery phases. Both sides will trade information to strengthen their cases throughout the discovery process. Following the discovery phase, you could have a mediation in which an impartial third party assists in facilitating communication between the parties. This might offer an additional opportunity to accept a settlement before to the trial. We will go to trial and attempt to persuade the judge and jury that the at-fault driver's irresponsible actions caused you to incur a loss if mediation is unable to settle the complaint.


You may experience financial, emotional, and physical difficulties after a car accident. Our Car Accident Lawyer with Counsel Hound Approval will strive to optimize your compensation or prize. You might be able to get both non-economic and economic damages as compensation.

Economic Damages:

• We would attempt to have you compensated if your crash necessitated medical equipment, prescription medications, physical rehabilitation, surgery, etc.

• Timesheets would be used to demonstrate your losses if the accident resulted in you having to miss work or having your pay reduced at a new job.

• We would include the cost of repairs in the losses incurred if the collision totaled your car.

• We would seek to recoup burial or funeral expenses if you lost a loved one in an automobile accident.

Non-Economic Damages:                                

Certain losses, including lost earnings and property damage, are impossible to establish. You can have psychological distress due to the mishap. In your situation, our auto accident attorney will strive to obtain all appropriate compensation.

When Could Soreness Be More Serious After a Car Accident?

You should contact a doctor if your pain has lasted longer than six weeks and is in any of the following locations since it might indicate a far more serious injury:

Head: Head pain, whether localized or widespread, may indicate a more serious damage such as a traumatic brain injury or concussion. If you have pain in this area, you should consult a doctor, even if the damage is limited to a minor cut or bruise.

Back: Although pain or stiffness in the back following an accident is normal, if it lasts longer than six weeks, you may have a more serious injury.

Ribcage: If you have persistent pain around your ribcage, you should visit a doctor to be sure you have not broken a rib, even if a bruised rib is not life-threatening.

Neck: Even the most minor vehicle accidents can result in neck injuries like whiplash, so it's important to get medical attention if your pain lasts longer than the allotted six weeks.

Spine: You should get medical attention right away if you're still feeling stiffness or pain in your spine. It might be risky for victims of auto accidents to ignore a spinal cord damage if they are unaware of a more serious injury.

General Car Accident FAQs

How can a lawyer for auto accidents assist me?

Regardless of the month, drivers in California and New York deal with backed-up traffic and hostile attitudes on the highways. Our roadways are congested with both locals and visitors who are rushing to get where they need to go, especially during the holidays.

If you were hurt while driving, The Barnes Firm's skilled auto accident lawyers can assist you. Throughout the US, we have assisted hundreds of victims of auto accidents with their personal injury cases.

We promise not to charge you a dime until we obtain the money you are legally entitled to. This is known as our No Fee Promise. Contact us now to get a free consultation with one of our top auto accident attorneys.

Does reporting a car accident matter?

After a car collision, it's always a good idea to call the police as soon as possible to have a professional on the scene to help with the information-sharing process and, if at all feasible, to create an official report of the occurrence with both parties on record.

You never know what long-term ramifications can manifest, even if you don't believe you've been hurt and your automobile appears to be undamaged.

How much is the compensation for a vehicle accident?

There are a few things you and your lawyer should think about before deciding how much compensation to ask for. In addition to helping you decide how much compensation you should ask for, your answers will assist you be ready for trial should the claim go to court. To find out more about the appropriate settlement amount, see this link.

In an automobile crash, who is at fault?

It varies, but gathering as much proof as you can is crucial. There are many different types of evidence, such as written statements and pictures; the more details you have, the more prepared you'll be.

After a vehicle accident, should I visit a doctor?

After a vehicle accident, one of the first questions that victims ask themselves is if they should get medical help. Some people who have been hurt might not feel anything at all or just have minor symptoms (like a stiff neck or back). But according to our automobile accident attorneys, many injuries don't manifest symptoms straight away following an accident, particularly when adrenaline is rushing and partially masks the pain.

In an automobile crash, who is at fault?

It varies, but gathering as much proof as you can is crucial. There are many different types of evidence, such as written statements and pictures; the more details you have, the more prepared you'll be.